STM32CubeMX porting to PlatformIO’s STM32Cube framework
If VSCode feels like home, is currently one of the more developer friendly platform for embedded development. It offers support to program a variety of micro-controllers and micro-processors and comes with Integrated Debugger.
Following steps will work with the STM32 F1, F4 and L0 series. (Check on PlatformIO for full list.)
Configure the chip on STM32CubeMX as required and save the project.
Tip: Turn on Serial Wire Debug!
Project Structure:
After saving the project folder should look something like this.
STEP 2: Create a STM32Cube Project on PlatformIO
Open PlatformIO on VSCode and create New Project
Enter name and select board and framework
PlatformIO project structure should look like this
STEP 3: Copy Inc and Src Contents of CUBEMx into PlatformIO src folder
STEP 4: Build the project (ctrl + alt + B)
The project should now build successfully!